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St. Paul's Episcopal Chapel Magnolia Springs AL

Holy Eucharist:

Sundays at 8:30 and 10:30 a.m.

Healing Service:
Wednesdays at 10 a.m.

in the Chapel

We invite you to worship with us at St. Paul's Episcopal Chapel Magnolia Springs!

St. Paul's Fall Concert Series

Enjoy an hour of great music followed by a reception to meet the artists!

Admission is free.


The Redfield Duo
Fri. Oct. 4 at 7:30 p.m.


Phil & Foster
Sat. Nov. 2 at 7 p.m.


Chamber Music Concert

featuring Sahada Buckley and Trace Johnson

Sun. Nov. 3 at 3 p.m.

A cheerful afternoon of classical, pops, and Irish music for violin and cello.

This is a ticketed fundraiser for the Eastern Shore Chamber Music Festival.

Learn more about their work with children and their free summer concert series.

Tickets are $25 and can be purchased in the St. Paul's office or online on Eventbrite (a processing fee will apply.) Hurry and get your tickets! Space is limited – just 75 seats! 

​The Blessing of the Animals

Sun. Oct. 6 at 3 p.m.  

Bring your sociable animals (or pictures of unsociable ones) for a blessing and celebration of their companionship. We'll be giving collar medals and, accept donations of cash and pet supplies for Stray Love, Magnolia Springs' mostly-cat rescue non-profit. Wet food for kittens and kitten milk replacement are needed most—available at pet supply stores and through Amazon.​

Merry Christmas, Fish! This year's Speckled Trout Fishing Tournament takes a pause. Instead, we're planning a new community event.​

Christmas Market & Celtic Celebration

We’ll welcome the Advent and Christmas season with a European-inspired Makers’ Market and Celtic Christmas celebration. We're busy planning now so, check back often for dates and details.

St. Paul's Historic Episcopal Chapel Magnolia Springs AL

Stay Connected!

As Episcopalians, we believe in and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ, whose life, death, and resurrection saved the world.  

We believe that God loves you – no exceptions.  

Worship Services and Spiritual Growth

St. Paul's carries on a number of service and outreach programs. Our annual Speckled Trout Fishing Tournament in the fall is a successful fundraiser for local relief organizations.


We are active in assisting the Magnolia Springs Elementary School with needs, from food to clothing, school supplies and volunteering in classrooms. Other programs include Caring Cooks and donations of food and money to Ecumenical Ministries Food Pantry.

We offer so many ways to enjoy friendship and a sense of community. We host monthly potluck lunches, music concert series, classes and seasonal events.


Opportunities to serve the chapel include

Altar and Flower Guilds, LEMs, Ushers and Closers, Caring Cooks, Choir and Contemporary music. That's not all! Check out the lists on the bulletin board in the back hall and get involved.


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